Greece's Strategy to Protect Santorini and Mykonos from Over-Tourism

cruise greece santorini

Kyriakos Mitsotakis has announced plans to prioritize popular destinations like Santorini and Mykonos due to their significant tourism impact.

Measures are being introduced to limit cruise ship visits, with a potential reduction in berths or anchoring slots anticipated as early as next year, according to Bloomberg. Last year, Mykonos saw a staggering 23% increase in cruise ship visits, with nearly 750 ships docking, underscoring its allure for British and international tourists drawn to its vibrant summer scene, sandy beaches, and upscale accommodations.

However, it's Santorini that faces the greatest strain from escalating visitor numbers. Mitsotakis emphasized its sensitivity, noting it as the most affected island. Greece's tourism sector has been pivotal in its economic recovery, constituting about a quarter of its economic output post-debt crisis. In 2023, Greece welcomed 32.7 million tourists, an 18% rise from the previous year, and early 2024 has seen a further 25% increase.

The surge in tourism is attributed largely to affordable flights and amplified by social media, where influencers play a pivotal role in showcasing the islands' picturesque landscapes. Santorini, renowned for its iconic whitewashed buildings and stunning vistas, has become a hotspot for Instagrammers seeking the perfect sunset shot, contributing to its annual influx of approximately 5.5 million tourists, straining its population of 15,000 residents.

Despite the economic benefits, Greece aims to mitigate the negative impacts of over-tourism, with Mitsotakis emphasizing the need to safeguard these islands from excessive visitor numbers to prevent adverse effects on their local communities and environment.

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