Houthis Vow to Target Ships Bound for Israeli Ports in the Mediterranean


Yahya Shariah, the military spokesperson for Yemen's pro-Iranian Houthis, issued a stern warning on Friday, declaring the group's intention to target ships en route to Israeli ports across any maritime region within their grasp.

In a televised address, Shariah affirmed, "We will target any ship heading to Israeli ports in the Mediterranean, in any area we are able to reach."

This declaration comes amid a series of escalating actions by the Houthis, who have conducted numerous drone and missile strikes against vessels in the Red Sea, the Bab al-Mandab Strait, and the Gulf of Aden since last November. The group claims these attacks are in solidarity with the Palestinians in Gaza.

The repercussions of Houthi attacks extend beyond the immediate maritime sphere, impacting international shipping routes. Ships have been forced to undertake longer and more expensive journeys around southern Africa, heightening concerns about the proliferation of conflict across the broader Middle East region.

(Source: Reuters and Kathimerini)

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