Dutch Tourist Missing on Samos Island Sparks Search Operation

A search and rescue operation is in progress on Monday to locate a 74-year-old Dutch tourist who has been missing since Sunday.

The Greek Rescue Team (EOD) is working alongside the police and fire department to find the missing tourist.

According to a post by the Greek Rescue Team, the operation includes the IKAROS drone team from the fire department, the DAIDALOS drone team from the EOD, and the rescue dog Speedy, also from the EOD. Local residents are assisting pedestrian units in the search efforts. Despite these efforts, the missing person has not yet been found, and the search continues.

ERT reported that a woman saw the 74-year-old in the Klima area on Sunday afternoon. The route he chose is known to be particularly challenging.

Read more: Samos Island

(Source: Ekathimerini)

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