Greek Tourism Ministry Partners with Orthodox Church to Boost Religious Tourism

The Greek Tourism Ministry announced an agreement with the Greek Orthodox Church to promote religious and pilgrimage tourism.

Tourism Minister Olga Kefalogianni signed a protocol of cooperation with church representatives during the 2nd meeting of the Joint Pilgrimage Tourism Coordination Committee in Athens.

Deputy Tourism Minister Elena Rapti, who chaired the meeting, emphasised the collaboration’s aim to enhance the tourism experience by showcasing religious monuments and sites, thereby promoting Greek heritage and culture. The meeting included representatives from the Ecumenical Patriarchate, the Church of Greece, the Church of Crete, the Administration of Mount Athos, the ministries of culture and tourism, and the Greek National Tourism Organization (GNTO).

“The new agreement is part of the ministry’s strategy to enrich the tourism experience and effectively promote Greek heritage, culture, and history,” said Kefalogianni. She highlighted the potential for Greece's 13 regions to develop year-round religious tourism products, which could significantly benefit the national economy and local communities.

The protocol outlines various actions, including the protection and promotion of religious monuments, the creation of promotional material, and the establishment of an archive of significant pilgrimage sites. It also includes plans for media promotions and updates on official websites to attract faith-based tourism.

Read more: Greek tourism

(Source: GTP)

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