Extradition of FYROM nationals postponed


Greek court ruling

The extradition of the two FYROM nationals arrested in Greece with counterfeit papers has been postponed till January 5.

The two men are wanted by the government of FYROM for alleged involvement in a hone-tapping scandal under then-prime minister Nikola Gruevski.

The Council of Appeals Judges of Thessaloniki was expected to announce its decision on Friday afternoon, but the interpreter did not show up in court, which by request of the legal defence is being held behind closed doors.

The two men, former FYROM counterespionage agents, aged 51 and 35, were arrested in October at the Thessaloniki "Macedonia" International Airport on Interpol warrants when they tried to fly to Central Europe of false passports. FYROM's authorities accuse them of "illegal tapping through the creation of a gang" and of "committing crimes of high technology."

GCT Team

This article was researched and written by a GCT team member.