German telecom giants meet with Greek PM for investment talks

German telecom giants

German telecom giants

Greece’s Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis on Monday met with representatives with German telecoms and energy giants interested in investing further in Greece.

Mitsotakis held separate meetings with Deutsche Telekom CEO Tim Hoettges, along with the head of the European subsidiary and the head of Hellenic Telecommunications Organizaton (OTE), met with Mitsotakis and State Minister for Digital Governance Kyriakos Pierrakakis to discuss OTE’s investment plan and the German company’s possible contribution in Greece’s digital transformation, a priority issue for the Greek PM.

Deutsche Telekom, which holds a 45% stake in Hellenic Telecommunications Organizaton (OTE), expressed interest in a public-private collaboration on high-speed Internet through fiber optics and in developing a fifth-generation mobile network (5G).

Deutsche Telecom and OTE said they expect to jointly create 100 new job openings within the next two years.

The Greek PM also met with the CEO of Enel Green Power, which has built the wind farm in Kafireas, Evia. The project will be inaugurated by Mitsotakis on Tuesday and is expected to cover the power needs of 130,000 families. It is expected to reduce lignite dependence in Greece by nearly half a million tons and Greece’s carbon footprint by almost half a million tons of carbon dioxide.