Iranian granted asylum in Greece charged with inciting illegal armed activity

Iranian granted asylum

Iranian granted asylum

An Iranian migrant was charged on Monday with plotting to arm thousands of illegal immigrants trying to force their way into Europe and Greece at the Greek Evros border.

Greek police said that counterterrorism forces arrested the 23-year-old man in Athens, after his most recent posts on an anarchist website calling for an armed insurrection.

In his posts and call to action, Abtin Parsa, as he is registered under his asylum status, would write “bullets are the only way to open borders for all”.

Authorities say the man has not denied the criminal charges against him.

After illegal immigrants were evacuated from the Kastanies/Pazarkule border gate on Thursday night, over the weekend Turkish Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu launched new blackmailing threats against the European Union stating that “when the coronavirus pandemic is over, we are not going to deter any migrants who want to return to the Greek-Turkish border in Pazarkule.”

Iranian granted asylum in Greece now calls for illegal immigrants to fight Greeks ‘bullet for bullet’