Living costs in Greece compared to the rest of the EU

Living costs in Greece compared to the rest of the EU

Living costs in Greece compared to the rest of the EU

Communication services, food, tobacco and alcoholic beverage costs are higher in Greece than the EU27 average whilst sectors such as housing, transport, recreation and clothing are considerably lower than the EU average according to the latest report by Eurostat.

Above EU27 average costs:

  • Communications prices (internet, postal) in Greece are 65.9% higher than the EU27 average.
  • Food prices in Greece are 2.5% higher than the EU27 average.
  • Alcoholic beverages and tobacco prices in Greece are 0.6% higher than the EU27 average.

Below EU 27 average costs:

  • Clothing and footwear prices in Greece are 4.2% lower than the EU27 average.
  • Housing costs prices in Greece are 35.1% lower than the EU27 average.
  • Furniture and carpets prices in Greece are 6.9% lower than the EU27 average.
  • Personal transport equipment prices in Greece are 7.7% lower than the EU27 average.
  • Transport services prices in Greece are 17.1% lower than the EU27 average.
  • Recreation and culture prices in Greece are 14.8% lower than the EU27 average.
  • Restaurants and hotels prices in Greece are 12.5% lower than the EU27 average.