Turkish National Security Council calls on Greece to demilitarize Aegean islands

Greek military remain on high alert and are observing Turkish maneuvers

The meeting of the Turkish National Security Council in Ankara lasted four hours and 10 minutes and in the announcement they issued afterwards, it called on Greece, although it did not name it, to reason on the issue of the demilitarization of the Aegean islands.

“There will be no retreat in the interests of the Turkish nation at sea, land and air. We urge the countries arming islands against international law and the terms to demilitarize and move based on logic,” the statement said.

Although Turkey continually claims that Greece is breaking the Treaty of Lausanne regarding the arming of the East Aegean islands, this is a part of Turkey’s famous and system fake news campaign.

• the status of the islands of Limnos and Samothrace was governed by the 1923 Lausanne Treaty on the Straits, but was replaced by the 1936 Montreux Treaty that did allow for the islands to be armed;

• the islands of Lesvos, Chios, Samos and Ikaria are not mentioned in the 1923 Lausanne Peace Treaty as having to be unarmed, just a national guard is permitted and no naval bases; and

• the status of the Dodecanese islands is governed by the 1947 Paris Peace Treaty, not the Treaty of Lausanne.

Regarding the eastern Mediterranean, they said that “Turkey supports the equitable distribution of energy resources in the region and is mainly in favor of dialogue.”

“Turkey, which in all regional and global disputes stands for rights, law and justice, maintains the same attitude in the eastern Mediterranean. The EU and all institutions and states that intervene in such controversies have been called upon to respect this attitude of our country and the rights and interests of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus,” the statement continued.

The issue of Libya was also discussed at the Turkish National Security Council, with the statement saying that “Turkey, which supports the fight against terrorism and the establishment of stability within the framework of the rule of law in both Syria and Libya, will continue its commitment to achieving peace and prosperity in these countries.”