Terrorist beheads a woman and kills another two in Notre Dame Cathedral in Nice

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At least three people have been killed by a terrorist attack in the Notre Dame cathedral in the southern French city of Nice.

One of the victims was a woman who was beheaded by the attacker. 


Nice Mayor Christian Estrosi said that one person had been arrested and that everything pointed to a “terrorist attack at the heart of the Notre-Dame basilica.”

The Nice mayor also revealed that the terrorist had shouted “Allahu Akbar,” Arabic for “God is Great.”

Police entering the Notre Dame cathedral where the terrorist attack occurred.

French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin appealed to people to avoid the area in the center of the French Riviera city.

This latest attack in France happened amid increasing tensions with Turkey.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has invented a crisis by portraying Ankara as a “defender” against France’s “Islamophobia.”

French President Emmanuel Macron has defended Charlie Hebdo’s cartoons that are offensive to Muslims, particularly one that portrays Muhammed, the founder of Islam. Portraying Muhammed is considered blasphemy in Islam.

Although the cartoon in question dates back to 2012, it came back to the forefront of international attention after Chechen-born Abdoullakh Anzorov, who lived most of his life and was radicalized in France, beheaded school teacher Samuel Paty on October 16 for showing the image in his class.

Rather than condemning the beheading, Erdoğan instead opted to try and create an uprising in the Islamic World against France’s famous secularism and freedom of expression that is protected by the 1789 Declaration of Human and Civil Rights. Turkey instead compared European Muslims to Jews before the Holocaust and called for a boycott of French goods.