There was a terror attack outside the Seitenstettengasse synagogue in the Austrian capital of Vienna yesterday, Krone reported.
The Austrian Foreign Ministry confirmed that it was a terrorist attack and one witnesses said they heard “at least 50 shots” fired.
Several shots are said to have been fired near Schwedenplatz area of Vienna and at least three people have been killed, according to Austrian police.

Austrian police said just moments after the attacks began that “Currently there is a major police operation in the Inneren Stadt. We are increasingly on site with our resources. More precise circumstances are currently being collected. As soon as we have more details, you will find out here.”
#Eilt #Aktuell läuft ein größerer Polizeiieinsatz in der #InnerenStadt. Wir sind verstärkt mit unseren Kräften vor Ort. Genauere Umstände werden derzeit erhoben. Sobald wir näheres haben, erfahren Sie es hier.
— POLIZEI WIEN (@LPDWien) November 2, 2020
One of the terrorists was found carrying an explosive belt, but it was a dummy, according to Austrian police.
A video is currently circulating on Twitter showing the police in action and gunshots can also be heard.
According to the Austrian Interior Ministry, at least one terrorist was killed.
Austrian police announced this morning that two of the deceased people are male and the other a female, with a further 15 people severely injured, including a police officer.

“It sounded like a blast,” an eyewitness said on ORF. “Then you noticed that these were shots. Then you saw a person running down the Seitenstetten, (who shot) wildly with an automatic weapon.”
“He then turned down, at the (local) ‘Roter Engel’ from there in the direction of Schwedenplatz. He continued to shoot wildly there. Then the police came and fired,” the eyewitness said.