Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades highlighted the determination of the Republic of Cyprus, despite provocations, threats and illegal actions from Turkey, to proceed as a sovereign and independent state to implement its energy policy.
He also said that “the Government is in constant contact with all the licensees, who assured that they remain committed to their contractual obligations with the Republic of Cyprus.”
Specifically, Anastasiades was referring to ExxonMobil, Qatar Petroleum, Total and Eni, who will reschedule their drilling for the second half of 2021.
“What I find important to point out,” he said, “is that in contrast to other geographical areas, there has been no cancellation of research programs or companies leaving our Exclusive Economic Zone.”

Anastasiades spoke at the 8th Energy Symposium jointly organized by the Southeast European Energy Institute and the Financial Media Way Communication, Publications, Advertising and Conference Company, which takes place online.
In a visual message, Anastasiadis developed the energy strategy of Cyprus, which, as he said, is based on a comprehensive strategic plan, aimed at developing the internal energy market, removing the energy isolation of Cyprus.
This is to be achieved through mutual beneficial cooperation with countries of the wider neighboring region and the exploitation of hydrocarbon wealth within the Exclusive Economic Zone of Cyprus.