A presidential decree that closes off bays in the Ionian Sea and draws straight baselines on the coast and the Ionian islands up to Cape Tainaro in the Peloponnese has come into force the Foreign Ministry announced, AMNA reported.
The ministry said this is part of the process of extending Greece’s territorial waters to 12 nautical miles in the Ionian Sea.
The Foreign Ministry announced:
“Through its publication in the Government Gazette, the Presidential Decree on the closing of bays and drawing of straight baselines in the maritime area of the Ionian Sea and the Ionian islands up to Cape Tainaro in the Peloponnese entered into force today.”
“The Presidential Decree was issued pursuant to the law ratifying the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea,” the announcement said.
The Ministry added: “It is a necessary step in the process for extending the country’s territorial waters in the above-mentioned area, an action which is, on the basis of the Convention, our country’s inalienable right.”
“The Presidential Decree highlights that Greece reserves the right – as deriving from the Convention on the Law of the Sea, which reflects international customary law – to exercise its respective rights in other areas of its territory,” the announcement continued.
“Firmly committed to upholding International Law, including the Law of the Sea, Greece always acts in line with international legality,” the announcement concluded.
Yesterday your news’ title was “Greece doubling territorial waters in the Ionian Sea. The Aegean Sea up next.” Today’s news has a little softer , says “The decree says the Greek government reserves the right to exercise similar rights in other regions notably the Aegean.” You should know that such an initiative shall be accepted as a “casus belli”. Please be smart if you do not want to start a war against Turkey. Do not believe on the great powers, think about 1920s how they left you alone!