Deciphering Hatred: Armenian Genocide by Turkey & Hindu and Sikh Genocide by Pakistan (VIDEO)

Waving flag of Armenia and India

March 5 saw a critical webinar organised by the New Delhi-based Red Lantern Analytica think tank about the Turkish perpetrated Armenia Genocide and the Pakistani perpetrated genocide against Hindus and Sikhs.

This comes following a previous webinar organised by Red Lantern Analytica titled: Indo-Greece Cooperation: Countering Turkey-Pakistan Nexus.

Why does Turkey continue to deny Armenian genocide? - The Boston Globe

The Genocide webinar featured:

  • Yeghia Tashjian, a regional analyst and researcher, who spoke about the Armenian genocide and the relationship between Armenia-India Relationship. efore, there is a real threat that Turkey will export these mercenaries to Kashmir.
  • Dr. Amjad Ayub Mirza, an author and human rights activist from Mirpur in Pakistan occupied Jammu & Kashmir, who spoke about Pakistani perpetrated genocide against Hindus.
  • Aarti Tikoo Singh, the Foreign Affairs and Strategic Affairs editor for IANS, who also spoke about the brutality Kashmiri Hindus have faced from Pakistan.
  • Anush Ghavalyan, an analyst from Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh), who connected the Armenian Genocide to Turkey’s and Azerbaijan’s policies against Armenians today.
  • Sunanda Vashisht, a writer, political commentator and columnist, who explained that Pakistan is not really a country but an experiment that has gone horribly wrong.
  • Harutyun Marutyan, the director of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute, who gave a comprehensive account of the Armenian Genocide.

Armenia has been at the receiving end of the tyranny of the Turkey-Azerbaijan unholy alliance.

At the same time, the Hindus and Sikhs in Balochistan and elsewhere in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir have been subject to genocide and grave human rights violations at the hands of Pakistan.

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Red Lantern Analytica organised the webinar to bring together a diverse panel consisting of academicians and activists who have first-hand experienced these atrocities.

The webinar was moderated by Neena Rai.

Panellists made thought-provoking arguments and highlighted the nature and dynamics of the two genocides.

At the same time, the discussion witnessed a detailed discussion on the need for a “coalition on genocides” and the role of think-tanks and civil society organisations in effectively highlighting these issues.

Watch this MUST SEE webinar below.