‘MyConsulLive’ now available at Greek Consulates of Sydney & Adelaide

‘MyConsulLive’ now available at Greek Consulates of Sydney & Adelaide

‘MyConsulLive’ now available at Greek Consulates of Sydney & Adelaide

The Consulate General of Greece in Sydney and Adelaide are now included in the pilot operation of ‘myConsulLive‘, the platform for serving citizens remotely via video calls.

The ‘myConsulLive’ digital platform aims to offer the diaspora a fast and easy way to communicate with officials and apply online for documents and certificates.

Services provided through ‘myConsulLive’ are:
  1. Issuance of a Certificate of Permanent Residence Abroad
  2. Certificate of marital status or birth
  3. Certificate of residency
  4. Copy or extract of a civil registry
  5. Declarations of beneficiaries of pension

In order to be granted access to the application, those interested will need to enter their TAXISnet username and password codes.

To book your digital appointment you will need to input:
  • Your name, father’s and mother’s names
  • Your email address
  • Your contact phone
  • Home address (in Australia)
  • Your Greek ID number, or any (Greek or other nationality’s) passport number

You may access the platform through the link http://myconsullive.gov.gr/ where the detailed User Guide is also available.

*More on GCT: Archbishop Makarios makes first official visit to Consulate General of Greece in Sydney
GCT Team

This article was researched and written by a GCT team member.