Grey Wolves extremist leader makes new threats against Greece: “Turkey will sign victory with blood”

Turkey far right leader Bahceli

New threats against Greece were made again by the leader of the far-right Nationalist Action Party (MHP), Devlet Bahçeli, a government partner of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

Speaking to members of his parliamentary group on Tuesday, Bahçeli referred to the Turkish government’s priorities for 2022 and developments in the region, with reference to the Eastern Mediterranean, as well as Greek armaments.

Bahçeli provocatively argued that the Greek arms race, supposed violation of the Lausanne Treaty and international law in the Aegean and the supposed “invasion” of the Turkish maritime jurisdiction are “unprecedented moves that cannot be violated.”

He then directly threatened Greece.

“The Aegean will either be a sea of ​​peace or the Turkish nation knows how to sign another victory with its blood and soul. Greece must return to the law of good neighbourliness while there is still time,” said the leader of the extremist Gray Wolves group.

Regarding the new Greek armaments, Bahçelii’s irritation is obvious, arguing that: “Greece should not rely too much on warships purchased from France.”

“The steel will of the Turk will be enough to burn the rival centres and harvest them like a crop, in the air, on land or at sea,” the extremist leader, descended from Turkified Armenians, said.

READ MORE: Turkey suspected of using chemical weapons against Kurds in northern Iraq.