Two speedboats that participated in the shooting of the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 in Palea Fokea collided, resulting in eight production technicians thrown into the sea.
Specifically, two speedboats with a total of 16 people on board – Greek and foreign actors and film crew technicians – collided in the sea area of Thymari in Palea Fokea near Anavyssos.
The collision overturned one of the two speedboats – on which filmmakers and sound engineers were riding, eight eight people and their expensive equipment thrown into sea.
Immediately, some of the seven production boats rushed to the spot who were in the shooting area and collected them.
How the accident happened
According to Proto Thema, the collision was due to a poor calculation of speed and distance between the two boats.
In particular, according to the script, the boat with the actors would pass quickly near the boat that was with the cinema cameras to make a close and impressive shot.
The speedboat with the actors, probably due to a miscalculation of the distance and the speed, collided with the back right part of the boat where the technicians were riding.
As a result the boat overturned, with all of their equipment also falling into the sea.
Injured at hospital
One of them, a Greek national, was slightly injured and was transported to a local hospital by ambulance for precautionary reasons. According to testimonies, he was more shocked and did not suffer any injuries .
The other seven passengers went to a private clinic for precautionary reasons. The other speedboat was carrying eight other actors.
The plastic speedboat that overturned was towed by onshore production.
The Coast Guard post on Twitter about the incident.
Σύγκρουση 2 T/Χ σκαφών με συνολικά 16 επιβαίνοντες στη θαλ.περ. Θυμάρι Παλαιάς Φώκαιας με αποτέλεσμα τον ελαφρύ τραυματισμό ενός εκ των επιβαινοντων. O ανωτέρω μεταφέρεται με ασθενοφόρο όχημα σε εφημερεύον νοσοκομείο ενώ οι υπόλοιποι 15 έχουν εξέλθει καλά στη υγεία τους.
— ΛΙΜΕΝΙΚΟ ΣΩΜΑ (@HCoastGuard) June 24, 2022
On Tuesday, preparations began for the shooting in the port of Rafina of Nia Vardalos’ new film My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3.
After the tremendous success of the first film My Big Fat Greek Wedding, there was the success of the second film My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2, but now it is time for the third film in the series.
READ MORE: Nia Vardalos announces ‘My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3’ is filming.