Previously, Directus reported the announcement by Immigration Minister Notis Mitarachi after a 24-hour meeting with a Pakistani Minister!
According to the announcement of the meeting with Pakistani Diaspora Minister Sajid Hussain Turi:
“They discussed the fight against illegal immigration, the promotion of legal immigration routes and issues related to the Pakistani community in Greece. He thanked him for his hospitality and invited him to visit Pakistan.”
Mitarachi, for his part, said: “I welcomed Sajid Turi. We discussed the common priority of combating illegal migration networks & consolidating legal migration routes. Pakistan has taken important initiatives & committed with Greece for a good cooperation for this goal.”
Meanwhile, as Directus highlighted, “the Pakistani media are paying homage to this particular visit, and they even had emergency news bulletins.”
An example:
وفاقی وزیر برائے سمندر پار پاکستانیز ساجد حسین طوری نے دورہ یونان میں اہم ملاقاتیں کی ہیں ان ملاقاتوں میں انسانی اسمگلنگ کی روک تھام اور دیگر اہم امور پر تفصیلی گفتگو ہوئی ہے 15 سال کے طویل عرصے کے بعد کسی پاکستانی وفاقی وزیر کا یہ پہلا دورہ یونان ہے
— Sajid Hussain Turi (@SajidTuriPPP) November 23, 2022
Specifically, they state:
“Federal Minister Sajid Hussain Tori visited Greece and held important meetings in these meetings on prevention of human trafficking and other important issues. This is the first visit of a Pakistani federal minister to Greece after a long period of 15 years.”
In fact, the Pakistani Minister is also on a tour in Athens, where he met with Pakistani “journalists”!
Directus reported on there is “silence from the systemic Greek media, while we were also puzzled by the fact that Mr. Mitarachi took 24 hours to make an announcement!”
READ MORE: MEDUSA 12: India’s First Steps with Greece in the East Mediterranean.