Anti-Americanism dwindles in Greece, survey finds

USA Greek American Greece flags anti-americanism

A Pew Research Center survey found that 56% of Greeks view the US positively, an increase of 8% compared to the same survey last year and a signal that anti-Americanism in Greece is dwindling.

It is recalled that the lowest percentage was recorded in 2014, with only 34% of respondents in Greece having a positive view of the US.

Among the countries surveyed, Poland, where positive views of the US have increased substantially since the war in Ukraine, gives the US its highest rating: 93% of Poles express a favourable opinion.

The US gets its lowest marks in another central European country: Hungary, where just 44% of adults offer a positive view, down from 55% in 2022.


People on the political right generally have more positive views of the US than those on the political left.

The exception, again, is Hungary: Hungarians on the right of the political spectrum – particularly those who have a favourable view of the ruling Fidesz party – are less likely to view the US positively.

Anti-Americanism declines among the young in Greece

The survey included a number of questions on social, political and economic aspects of America’s image – things that are often considered a part of U.S. “soft power.”

According to the findings, anti-Americanism is gradually declining for another reason, as younger Greeks, in the 18-39 age group, value American entertainment (movies, music, TV) more than those over 40, at 84% vs 62%.


As with ratings for the U.S. overall, Biden gets his highest marks in Poland, where 83% voice confidence in his leadership of world affairs. Roughly seven in ten or more also express confidence in Biden in Sweden, Kenya, Nigeria, Israel, the Netherlands and Germany.

Majorities in about half of the countries polled give Biden positive ratings, although the opinion of Biden is, on balance, more negative than positive in NATO allies Italy, Greece, France and Spain. And he gets his lowest ratings in Hungary.

Respondents in most of the countries surveyed expressed misgivings about whether the US takes into account the interests of other countries in its geopolitical decisions.

USA Greece Greek American flags US State Department

In Greece, 66% of respondents believe that the US does not care about the interests of countries other than itself, with this figure reaching 80% in Spain and Hungary. Last year, 53% of survey participants in Greece thought that the US takes into account the interests of other countries in its decisions.

An overwhelming majority of respondents in Greece (93%) – and in another 22 countries – believe that the US interferes in the internal affairs of other countries.

Majority of Greeks, when answering if the US contributes to peace and stability in the world, responded with a no. 58% of respondents believes the US  does not and 42% believe that it does.

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