Heartbreaking news has emerged from the Greek island of Ios, as an Irish teenager collapsed and died of shock upon receiving the devastating news of his friend's passing. Andrew O'Donnell and Max Wall, both 18 years old and recent graduates from Dublin's St. Michael's College, tragically lost their lives in separate incidents over the weekend.
Local authorities have indicated that O'Donnell likely fell and sustained a head injury while walking back to his hotel early Saturday morning. His body was discovered on Sunday morning, and it was during this time that Wall, upon being informed about the death of his friend, collapsed due to shock. Reports suggest that Wall had a history of heart problems.
Tributes have been pouring in for the two teenagers, and the St. Michael's College community is devastated by the loss. Families have been plunged into deep sadness, and the school's headmaster expressed that "our hearts are broken."
Local authorities have launched separate investigations into the tragic deaths. The first incident occurred on Saturday when O'Donnell, accompanied by a group of schoolmates, went out on the island. After midnight, he decided to return to his hotel alone but never made it back. His body was discovered by the police on Sunday morning, showing signs of a fall. It is believed that he may have taken the wrong path and stumbled over a cliff.
O'Donnell was reported missing by a friend who was with him until 1:30 am in the town of Hora. They became separated while returning to the hotel, and O'Donnell was reported missing later that evening. His body was found the next day after an extensive search.
Tragically, Wall collapsed the following day at the island's port while waiting for a ferry to Athens. He was found unconscious and immediately taken to the hospital, where he died. According to reports, Wall lost consciousness upon learning about O'Donnell's death. Authorities suspect that shock was the cause of his passing, considering his history of heart problems.
The bodies of both teenagers have been transferred to the port city of Piraeus for autopsies to determine the exact causes of their deaths.