Pakistanis in Greece celebrate the fires and Canadair crash… “Allah takes revenge” – Shocking posts

Pakistanis in Athens Greece

Although Greece has been suffering from deadly fires since the middle of June, members of the Pakistani community expressed their joy at the devastation and destruction.

‘”Pakistanis celebrating the fires.. “Allah is taking revenge on Greeks” Disgusting!! These people are given shelter after running away from their country,” wrote said Harry Theocharous, an aviation specialist with influence in the Cypriot twittersphere.

“Hopefully hundreds of Greeks will go to the future, which will comfort the souls of innocent Pakistani martyrs,” said one Greece-based Pakistani social media user.

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Meanwhile, several rekindled fires erupted on the Rhodes fire front on Thursday, most of which were being successfully tackled by firefighting forces and volunteers.

Despite the fact that the major fire fronts have subsided, there is a constant rekindling of the flames in the areas of Vati, Asklipio, Laerma and near the monastery Tharri that firefighting forces in the area are battling to get under control.

Earlier, new rekindlings near Vati, as well as in the direction to the church of Taxiarchis were tackled successfully. The fire bridage is now focusing on one of the last fire fronts near Asklipenos River, heading toward Profylia.

Meanwhile, the situation at the fire front in Velestino, Magnesia was improving on Thursday, with the Thessaly Region and the Civil Protection Coordination Centre reporting that there were no active fronts in the wider area apart from a rekindling reported shortly after 11:00 in Aerino that was quickly placed under control.

Wind velocity in the area was low, while a force of five firefighting aircraft, 85 fire engines, eight teams of firefighters on foot and tens of water trucks from the municipality of Volos, as well as many private water trucks and hundreds of volunteers, took part in the firefighting effort.

According to the region of Thessaly, the fire burned 5,000 hectares of farmland and forest.

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