The Presence of the Greek Flag on an Israeli Soldier's Helmet explained

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A video was released a few hours ago showing Israeli soldiers capturing Hamas and Islamic Jihad prisoners in a stadium somewhere in Gaza. In the opening scenes, a group of soldiers is seen in front of the soldier holding the camera.

And one of the soldiers, next to the Israeli flag, has a Greek flag on his helmet!

Obviously, he is a reservist who went to Israel to fight after the heinous terrorist attack launched by Hamas, which resulted in the loss of hundreds of civilian lives, with dozens of children and elderly people being taken hostage in Gaza. Israel launched a large-scale military operation to free the hostages and crush terrorism in the Gaza Strip.

The solider is who is called Daniel is a 21 year-old Greek-Israeli who rushed to Israel after the Hamas terrorist attacks of October 7.
When asked by reporters why he’s doing this, he responded with honor towards his family and that he will do the same for Greece if needed.