A traffic accident with injured occurred in Bulgaria when a bus carrying tourists collided with a truck and went off the road. Among the injured are also Greeks. According to initial information, there are a total of ten injured from the bus, including passengers with Greek and Russian passports.
The accident occurred on the Borovo-Volovo road in northern Bulgaria, near the border with Romania. A tourist bus with Romanian license plates collided with a truck from Turkey. The bus went off the road. Ten injured were rescued from the vehicle according to Bulgarian sources.
“A second accident in two days,” said a tourist who was on the bus.
“We were supposed to return to Greece, but things did not go well. On Monday, we had a similar incident in Romania. They changed our vehicle and driver, and then we had a second accident in Bulgaria,” explained a tourist.
Both drivers tested negative for alcohol and drugs. The road remained closed for hours. “Passengers came out through the broken windows of the bus,” says the second truck driver.

According to Bulgarian television, the tourist bus heading towards Biala collided with a truck in a turn between Volovo and Borovo in Bulgaria.
Ten people were injured in the collision, eight Greeks and two Romanians, and all are in good health.
One of them, Panagiotis Grapsas, spoke to bTV: “Unfortunately, we had two accidents – a small one in Romania and a second one in Bulgaria. Most of us are fine… I don’t know what went wrong, it was a main road. Now, we are waiting to find out how the hospitalized are doing, as well as to be transferred to Sofia and from there to Greece. It was incredibly stressful, we didn’t realize what was happening, but we are happy that we are fine,” he said.
It should be noted that the other truck driver from Turkey, who was in close proximity to the incident, said that the bus driver who was carrying Greek tourists was driving at high speed.
“The bus was driving at high speed, and in front of me, there were two or three tires, the bus was about to drag me as well. My colleague called me and said that there was an accident, that he collided with a bus, and I came to the scene.
The passengers came out through the broken windows of the bus, and I helped them leave the bus more quickly,” he emphasized.
According to preliminary information, samples of alcohol from both drivers tested negative, and the investigation into the accident is ongoing.