The alliance of Greece, France and India

Macron, Modi, Mitsotakis

Karma brings Greece closer to India. And the… French too. I learned that Dassault is preparing to sell a large number of Rafales to New Delhi. For this purpose, French President Emmanuel Macron visited India.

Once the order is placed - which is almost locked in - India's and Greece's air forces will automatically become even more compatible because both will have the same type of fighter.

You cannot imagine what this means in practice. That is why Athens is following this French mission with great interest, in which Dassault will also participate, with its CEO himself.

It is understood that he is watching her for another reason: at the end of February, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis will visit New Delhi. He will be accompanied, also, by a large business delegation.

And he saw what the French, who visited almost a month before him, did.

And remember that Greece and India have already started joint military exercises.

What else can I remind you of in closing? India has its great enemy, Pakistan, which is a close friend of the Turks, who are our true friends. So, the puzzle is completed. Do you now understand how it all clicks together?

The article first appeared in Greek on The Power Game.

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