British Museum Chairman in Sexist Row


A social media post by the British Museum has sparked outrage online, with many accusing the museum of sexism and promoting fascist imagery.


The post, read:

Girlies if you're single and looking for a man, this is your sign to the British Museum's new exhibition Life in the Roman Army and walk around looking confused you're welcome.

Dr. Claire Millington, a visiting research fellow at King's College London, likened the imagery to that used at Nazi rallies, while another academic called the post "unbelievable" for an official British Museum account.

One social media user claimed to have witnessed "off the charts" levels of "mansplaining" at the related exhibit, further fueling the online firestorm.

The museum quickly deleted the post and issued a clarification, stating that "mansplaining" was intended to be "the butt of the joke" and that they were not suggesting women "need to look for dates or pretend to be stupid."

However, Dr. Millington dismissed the explanation as a "non-apology," highlighting the broader controversy surrounding the museum's leadership under its current chairman, George Osborne.

This incident comes on the heels of other controversies plaguing the museum, including the disappearance of thousands of artifacts and criticism surrounding talks of returning the Elgin Marbles to Greece.


(Source: Daily Mail)

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