Greek Defence Minister Vows Impenetrable Airspace in Armed Forces Overhaul


In an interview published on Saturday, Greek National Defence Minister Nikos Dendias unveiled plans to fortify Greece's airspace, rendering it impenetrable within a few years as part of the ambitious 'Agenda 2030' reform programme for the Greek Armed Forces.

Dendias outlined that the defence overhaul aims to establish a comprehensive defence mechanism against aerial threats, including both conventional aircraft and drones. This strategy entails deploying two protective shields covering the entirety of Greek territory: an anti-aircraft shield and an anti-drone system. By fortifying Greece's airspace, Dendias emphasised the goal of eliminating any potential vulnerabilities compared to neighbouring nations.

Addressing other key topics, the minister provided updates on the mission of the Greek frigate 'Hydra,' currently operating in the Red Sea as part of the European Union's 'Aspides' plan aimed at safeguarding merchant shipping. Under the leadership of Greek Rear Admiral Vassilios Gryparis, the programme, headquartered in Greece, has overseen numerous missions focused on protecting merchant vessels and monitoring maritime activities in the region.

Reflecting on Greek-Turkish relations, Dendias acknowledged the current period of relative calm but cautioned against complacency. He highlighted Turkey's pivotal position and emphasised the significance of its future trajectory, particularly in the post-Erdogan era, alluding to recent statements made by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan regarding his retirement from active politics.

(Source: Eleftheros Typos)

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