20 Year Journey to Chicago’s Greek Nursing Home Chronicled in New Book

Image of several gathered around a table looking at blueprints

John Psiharis shares an insider’s account into this unprecedented community movement.

Chicago—In December 1982, a group of Greek-Americans in Chicago discussed the unmet needs of their elderly community. Twenty years later, their vision became reality when the Greek American Rehabilitation and Care Centre (GARCC) opened in Wheeling, Illinois. This historic movement is chronicled in a new book by John Psiharis entitled, Breaking Ground: The Inside Story of Chicago’s Greek Nursing Home Movement (Greek American Press, 2024). It’s the second volume in the “Hellenism in the Heartland Series”.

Breaking Ground by John Psiharis
New book chronicles the early days of the Greek Nursing Home movement in Chicago.

On that fateful day in 1982, the group met in the back room at the former Elysian Restaurant on Chicago’s Northside. That informal gathering set the wheels in motion for a new and unprecedented movement, spanning generations and a unique, shared vision.

Psiharis and his co-founder of Greek American Community Services and the Greek-American Nursing Home Committee, Dr. Elaine Thomopoulos PhD, culled their files and memories, in order to offer an insider’s account of how the nursing home came to fruition. Both served on the nursing home board from its inception through 2006. Another former board member, John Rassogianis, contributed to the project, but sadly passed away before the first book was released.

"This is an inspiring story of what was achieved when the Greek community of Chicago united in purpose and collectively worked for a common goal in a way never seen before,” Psiharis said. “This was a community-wide, grassroots effort. None of us had any experience in building and operating a nursing home, financing, or launching a large fundraising campaign. We just knew there was a need.”

Elaine Thomopoulos and John Psiharis at GACS
Elaine Thomopoulos & John Psiharis at the Greek-American Community Services office in Chicago, circa 1987. IMAGE COURTESY JOHN PSIHARIS

Thomopoulos concurred. “The need for a nursing home for the Greek elderly and disabled became apparent to me while I was director of social services at the Hellenic Foundation in the 1970s. The Greek elderly we visited in various facilities throughout Chicago felt isolated and lonely and many, because of the language barrier, could not communicate their basic needs to the staff.”

The book outlines the tasks such as site selection, zoning, rallying the community behind the efforts, fundraising, and more, as well as the many setbacks experienced throughout the process. Despite the challenges, the group persevered. “It’s a behind-the-scenes look at how it came about and the incredible people who made it happen.” added Psiharis.

“To this day, I remain in awe of what we were able to accomplish,” said Psiharis.

GANHC reviewing blueprints at GACS fixed 2
A 1993 meeting of the Executive Committee of the Greek-American Nursing Home Committee at Greek-American Community Services in Chicago. Pictured (L-R): John Rassogianis, Toni Panos, John Psiharis, Elaine Thomopoulos, Dr. Theodosis Kioutas, Thalia Jameson, Christine Burbulis, and James Mezilson. IMAGE COURTESY JOHN PSIHARIS

Today, the GARCC is a five-star, state-of-the-art nursing home, and is considered among the best in the state of Illinois. “This was no small project either. It was a $12 million project at the time, which is about $30 million in today’s dollars,” he added.

“The GARCC is a marvelous home-like facility. It’s situated amongst trees and a pond and includes not only physical and occupational therapy and a vibrant activities program, but also a cafe that serves Greek coffee, and a chapel where Greek Orthodox services are held. It is a dream come true,” Thomopoulos shared.

Breaking Ground is the second book in the “Hellenism in the Heartland Series” published by Greek American Press, an imprint of Psihco, LLC. The first, Working to Preserve Our Heritage: The Incredible Legacy of Greek-American Community Services, was released in 2023. The third installment, Hellenes in the Windy City: The Greeks in Chicago – 1970-2000, co-authored by Psiharis and Thomopoulos, is planned for 2025.

Both books are available in hardcover and eBook formats. The print books feature a comprehensive index while the eBooks boast color photos. The print books are available through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Ingram Spark. The eBooks are available through Amazon and other online retailers. 

For more information, please visit GreekAmericanPress.com.


Read more about John Psiharis:

Legacy of Chicago’s Greek American Community Services Preserved in New Book


Maria A. Karamitsos

Maria A. Karamitsos is a journalist, author, and poet. She's the founder & former publisher/editor of WindyCity Greek magazine and former associate editor & senior writer for The Greek Star newspaper. Maria also contributes to NEO magazine and TripFiction. Her work has been published in The Magic of Us-A Moms Who Write Poetry Anthology, The Pen Poetry Magazine, Voices of Hellenism Literary Journal, Highland Park Poetry, GreekCircle magazine, The National Herald, GreekReporter, Harlots Sauce Radio, Women.Who.Write, KPHTH magazine, XPAT Athens, and more. Maria has contributed to two books: Greektown Chicago: Its History, Its Recipes and The Chicago Area Ethnic Handbook. She's currently working on a novel. www.mariakaramitsos.com

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