Internationally Acclaimed Greek Youth Symphony Orchestra to Make American Debut at Carnegie Hall

GYSO 2 - by George Xigos

NEW YORK—The Greek Youth Symphony Orchestra (GYSO), known for its global acclaim, is set to make its highly anticipated American debut at Carnegie Hall's Stern Auditorium / Perelman Stage in New York City. The one-night-only concert event is scheduled for Sunday, November 3, at 7:30 PM.

Dionysis Grammenos - Photo by Olympia Krasagaki

Led by Founder and Artistic Director Dionysis Grammenos, the GYSO boasts 300 talented musicians aged 18 to 26, hailing from nearly 50 cities across Greece and Europe. At Carnegie Hall, 95 GYSO musicians will present an eclectic repertoire featuring contemporary European and American symphonic works alongside a reinterpretation of traditional Greek dance music through a symphonic lens.

Internationally Acclaimed Greek Youth Symphony Orchestra to Make American Debut at Carnegie Hall 5

The program promises to captivate audiences with selections such as “<<rewind«by Grammy-nominated composer Anna Clyne, Leonard Bernstein’s acclaimed “Symphonic Dances” from West Side Story, and a special rendition of Nikos Skalkottas’ “Greek Dances.” Notably, Skalkottas’ composition premiered at Carnegie Hall exactly 70 years earlier in November 1954, performed by the New York Philharmonic.

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"We could not be more thrilled to debut at Carnegie Hall this fall," remarked Dionysis Grammenos. "Our performance of Skalkottas’ ‘Greek Dances’ feels like a celebration of Greek musical heritage, echoing the legacy of greats like Dimitri Mitropoulos, who conducted the New York Philharmonic on the same stage. The timing, coinciding with the New York Marathon and just days before Election Day, feels particularly significant, given Greece's historical connections to marathons and democracy."

The GYSO's debut is made possible through the generous support of its Founding Donor, the John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation, along with contributions from various individual and corporate sponsors, including the Hellenic Parliament, the Ministry of Culture, and Aegean Airlines, the official air carrier sponsor.

The Hellenic Initiative (THI), a global nonprofit organization dedicated to investing in Greece's future through initiatives focused on crisis relief, entrepreneurship, and economic development, will host the Carnegie Hall debut.

For tickets and more information about the event, visit or contact CarnegieCharge at 212-247-7800.

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