Domino of Fires in Greece

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Fires are currently breaking out simultaneously in various parts of Greece. Messages from 112 have been reported in Kilkis, Larissa, and Pella.

In Larissa, a message from 112 urged residents of Agios Thomas to evacuate following a forest fire outbreak:

"Activate 112. Forest fire in Agios Thomas, Larissa. If you are in the area, move away from Lariss. Follow the authorities' instructions."

The fire originated in the area of Agios Thomas Worker’s Houses, burning through low vegetation. At the scene, 30 firefighters, 12 vehicles, and 1 helicopter are currently engaged.

Meanwhile, in Kilkis, the fire brigade responded to a fire exacerbated by strong winds in the Herso area. The fire is affecting low vegetation and adjacent forest areas near a ravine. Operations involve 34 firefighters with 16 vehicles and 2 aircraft, with additional support en route.

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