PM Mitsotakis Heads New Cabinet Meeting, Emphasises Dynamic Restart and Reforms

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis chaired the first meeting of the new Cabinet on Saturday at the Maximos Mansion, signaling a dynamic restart following recent elections and a government reshuffle.

Mitsotakis emphasised the significance of June 9 as a landmark and a fresh start for the next three years.

Acknowledging the challenges of the pre-election period, Mitsotakis thanked his team for their efforts and highlighted Greece's role as a pillar of stability in Europe, contrasting the internal turmoil faced by countries like France and Germany. He noted that while their party's performance did not meet all goals, many citizens abstained rather than supporting opposition parties, condemning the positions of SYRIZA and PASOK.

Mitsotakis stressed the need for more work and fewer mistakes, urging the Cabinet to prioritise tackling price hikes, improving state efficiency, restructuring the primary sector, and enhancing health and education. He reiterated that no portfolio is more important than another, emphasising that each citizen's concerns must be addressed.

Regarding the recent government reshuffle, Mitsotakis explained it aimed to enhance productivity, with changes in ministerial roles reflecting this goal. He acknowledged the need for deep organisational changes but noted that they require careful study and time.

Mitsotakis called for dedication and hard work, emphasising that both he and the citizens would be strict judges of their performance. He urged the Cabinet to tackle real problems, ensuring reforms have a tangible impact on daily life, building a stronger Greece by 2027.

Highlighting the new five-year term in Europe, Mitsotakis outlined priorities such as competitiveness, immigration policy, and support for Greek businesses. He also mentioned the adaptation of the Common Agricultural Policy, addressing the demographic problem, and establishing a single defence policy.

Mitsotakis concluded by emphasising the importance of the upcoming European leadership decisions and reiterated their proposal of Ursula von der Leyen for President of the European Commission. He expressed hope for a swift agreement to eliminate uncertainty and continued their work with the Cabinet's planned agenda.

Read more: Mitsotakis Cabinet Reshuffle

(Source: Amna)

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