Arson Suspected in Koropi Wildfire, Video Evidence Emerges

Koropi wildfire

Firefighters continue to battle a wildfire in the Koropi area, south of Athens, with initial investigations suggesting arson as a potential cause.

Climate Crisis and Civil Protection Minister Vassilis Kikilias revealed that visual evidence has been obtained by fire and police investigators. "The fire spread very fast, but there are documented indications that its cause was not weather conditions alone," Kikilias said, referring to high-velocity winds hampering firefighters.

While high winds initially hampered firefighting efforts, the minister emphasised, "The  Fire Brigade and Greek police investigators have visual material that clearly shows an arsonist setting fire to dry weeds on the Vari-Koropiou (road), while a can of  petroleum and a cloth to ignite the fire were found nearby. When we have permission from the Fire Brigade and Hellenic Police's Directorate of Managing Crimes of Arson, we shall release the material to the public."

The Koropi fire caused evacuations and road closures, highlighting the dangers of deliberate fire setting.

Read more: Koropi Wildfire

(Source: Amna)

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