Europe must host Gaza children, Greek foreign minister says

FM Gerapetritis at UN:

Greek Foreign Minister George Gerapetritis has urged Europe to take responsibility for sheltering and supporting children affected by the conflict in Gaza for the duration of the crisis. He proposes a collaborative effort within the EU to temporarily relocate these children, emphasizing humanitarian aid as the primary motivation.

Gerapetritis, who recently saw Greece elected as a member of the UN Security Council for 2025-2026, believes that Greece's historical ties with the Arab world enhance its credibility as a peace broker. In discussions with Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammed Mustafa, Gerapetritis articulated the need for urgent action in response to the dire situation in Gaza. He stressed that Europe should open its doors not only to injured individuals from Gaza but also to children facing severe threats such as famine.

Gerapetritis clarified that the initiative is distinctly humanitarian and unrelated to the broader issue of regular migration, which has sparked significant political controversy across Europe. He underscored the urgency of addressing the humanitarian crisis, especially in light of recent electoral gains by right-wing parties critical of immigration policies.

The Greek Foreign Minister George Gerapetritis said that Europe has a moral obligation to host Gazan children whose lives have been ruined by the conflict as long as it continues.

While condemning attacks by Hamas on Israel, Greece has called for an end to Israel's military operations in Gaza, which have resulted in substantial casualties and widespread devastation. The World Health Organization's reports of famine-like conditions affecting many in Gaza, particularly children suffering from acute malnutrition, underscore the gravity of the humanitarian crisis.

Gerapetritis also emphasized the profound psychological impact of the conflict on children, describing it as devastating. He disclosed ongoing discussions with Palestinian and Israeli leaders on strategies for achieving peace and initiating reconstruction efforts in Gaza.

Looking forward, Gerapetritis expressed optimism about achieving a ceasefire in Gaza and improving conditions in the Red Sea, which have been adversely affecting Greece's shipping industry due to attacks by Houthis.

In summary, Gerapetritis's call for Europe to host and support children affected by the Gaza conflict reflects a humanitarian imperative amid broader geopolitical challenges and domestic political sensitivities. His belief in Greece's role as a credible peace broker underscores the country's commitment to fostering stability and alleviating suffering in the region.

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