Houthi Drone Attacks Escalate Tensions in the Red Sea, Striking Greek-Owned Cargo Ship Multiple Times

Escalating Tensions in the Red Sea: Houthi Terrorist Group Launches Deadly Drone Attacks on Cargo Ship

Footage Reveals Houthi Drone Attacks on Liberian-Flagged Cargo Ship in the Southern Red Sea.

U.S. Central Command Reports Additional Strike, Raising Concerns over Ongoing Threats

In a concerning development in the ongoing conflict in Yemen, the Houthi terrorist group has been implicated in a series of drone attacks targeting a Liberian-flagged and Greek-owned bulk cargo ship, the M/V Transworld Navigator, in the Southern Red Sea.

According to reports, the most recent attack involved the use of a One-Way Surface Attack Drone launched by the Houthis, which reportedly caused minor to moderate damage to the ship. This incident marks the fourth such attack on the Transworld Navigator by the Houthi forces.

Following the initial attack, the U.S. Central Command has now announced that the Transworld Navigator has been struck again by a Houthi One-Way Aerial Attack Drone, resulting in minor injuries to the crew and additional damage to the vessel. However, the ship remains seaworthy and is continuing on to its next port of call.

The escalating tensions in the region and the Houthi's continued use of drone technology to target commercial vessels have raised significant concerns among the international community. These attacks threaten the safety and security of maritime trade and transportation in the strategically important Red Sea.

The international community has condemned the Houthi's actions, and efforts are underway to address the ongoing threat and prevent further escalation of the conflict in the region.

Houthi Terrorist Group, One-Way Surface Attack Drone, Liberian-Flagged Cargo Ship, M/V Transworld Navigator, Southern Red Sea, U.S. Central Command, One-Way Aerial Attack Drone, Maritime Security, Red Sea Conflict

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