The Battle of Kalamata took place on 23 March 1821 between the Greek irregular revolutionary forces and the Ottoman forces of the city. It was one of the first events of the Greek War of Independence. The Greeks captured the city, and Kalamata became the first city to be liberated.

Greek independence heroes Kolokotronis, Nikitaras “the Turkeater,” Petros Mavromichalis, the warrior priest Papaflesas and 2,500 Greek rebels liberated Kalamata in the first major battle in the Hellenic War of Independence.
In the Church of the Holy Apostles liturgy in Kalamata on this day on March 23, 1821, the Hellenic forces celebrated the victory, and it was where the Hellenic Revolution was declared.
Ancient Greek Temples: Celestial Geometry and Astronomical Alignment