Anglican Church of Melbourne to Lead Historic Commemoration of Greek, Armenian and Assyrian Genocides


The Anglican Diocese of Melbourne will host a historic Evensong Service in the heart of Melbourne’s CBD at St Paul’s Cathedral on Sunday, 6 April 2025, to mark the 110th Anniversary of the Armenian, Assyrian and Greek Genocides.

Following the Ecumenical service, the Armenian National Committee of Australia’s Edith Glanville Humanitarian Award will be presented to the Anglican Archbishop of Melbourne, Bishop Genieve Blackwell. The award honours the Church’s exemplary history and ongoing contributions to the advancement and protection of human rights for all peoples.

Bishop Genieve Blackwell, the Administrator of the Diocese
Bishop Genieve Blackwell, the Administrator of the Diocese

The event is supported by the Joint Justice Initiative, a body that advocates for federal recognition of the genocide and is comprised of the Australian Hellenic Council, the Armenian National Committee of Australia, and the Assyrian National Council—Australia.

Edith May Glanville (1871–1966)  was a well-known Sydney social worker and philanthropist who helped to establish the Armenian Relief Fund, and later the ‘Friends of Armenia’, as part of the relief movement in Australia in response to the Armenian genocide in Ottoman Turkey.


‘Aid for Armenia’ became a common catch cry in Australia at this time and as the noted Greek-Australian historian, Professor Joy Damousi, has written the cause of the refugee children generated a form of humanitarian relief effort in Australia that can be described as a combination of  “Christian humanitarianism, feminist internationalism (and) an intersection of national and international perspectives and an educative endeavour to impart information to the public”.

Australian Armenian Relief Fund

Victoria was at the forefront of the Armenian relief movement which embraced many of its political, civic and religious leaders.   In a letter to the Victorian government in 2024, Archbishop Philip Freier recalled the historical commitment Victoria showed to those affected by the genocides and noted that the Melbourne diocese was on the forefront of raising funds and providing relief.

The Anglican Church of Melbourne and the Joint Justice Initiative have joined forces to maintain the spirit of that spiritual and humanitarian effort.

High-level ministers from the Victorian State Parliament and clergy of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia will attend the event.

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The President of the Australian Hellenic Council Victoria, Peter Stefanidis, said:

“I express my sincere gratitude to the Anglican Church of Melbourne for standing with us in honouring our ancestors. Their support is a powerful acknowledgment of truth and justice.”

“The will of the Victorian people is clear: genocide did take place, and it must be accurately remembered and commemorated. The time has come for the Victorian Government to follow the example set by the Anglican Church of Melbourne, as well as their counterparts across Australia, in formally recognising the Armenian, Assyrian, and Greek Genocides,” he added.

“We owe it to the memory of those who came before us — and to future generations — to ensure that this truth is neither denied nor forgotten. Together, we move forward in the spirit of recognition, reconciliation, and respect,”  Stefanidis concluded.

andreas loewe dean

The Very Reverend Dr Andreas Loewe, Dean of Melbourne St Paul’s Cathedral said:

“Our Ecumenical Service of Evening Prayer is an important opportunity to stand with our Armenian, Assyrian and Greek sisters and brothers in remembrance, solidarity and hope. As we mark the anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, we honour the lives lost, give thanks for the resilience of the Armenian people, and celebrate the long-standing friendship between the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne and the Armenian Church.”

“I give thanks for this opportunity to pray together for healing, reconciliation and peace, and to renew our shared commitment to justice and human dignity for all people, as beloved children of God,” he added.

Members of the Armenian-Australian, Assyrian-Australian and Greek-Australian communities and the general public are invited to attend both the Evensong Service and the Award Presentation taking place at St Paul’s Cathedral to honour the sacred memory of the victims of the genocides.


George Vardas is the Arts and Culture Editor of Greek City Times.  As Secretary of the Australian Hellenic Council NSW, he is also a member of the Joint Justice Initiative.

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