Maria Kavogianni recently celebrated her birthday with the main cast of "Maestro," as Christoforos Papakaliatis shared the joyous occasion on Instagram. The beloved Greek series has launched globally on Netflix, and fans are eagerly anticipating hints of a potential fourth season. The close-knit cast continues to enjoy each other's company, gathering for memorable events like Maria's birthday, reflecting the lasting bonds formed through their work on the show.
Tag: Maria Kavogianni
Greek music star Despina Vandi celebrated the festive season in style by hosting a cozy Christmas dinner at her home, surrounded by close friends and celebrity guests. Among the attendees were Vassilis Bismbikis, Lakis Lazopoulos, and Maria Bakodimou, as they enjoyed Vandi's homemade dishes in a warm, festive atmosphere. Sharing her love for the holidays on Instagram, Vandi wished everyone a Merry Christmas, emphasizing the joy of being with loved ones.
The highly-anticipated third and final season of the Greek drama series, Maestro in Blue, is set to premiere globally on Netflix on December 28, 2024. Following its successful run on the Greek network MEGA TV, the series has captivated audiences worldwide with its compelling storyline, stunning visuals, and stellar performances.
Despina Vandi, Vicky Stavropoulou and Maria Kavogianni are connected by a deep friendship of many…
The "Maestro" series by Christoforos Papakaliatis already made history on Greek television as it became…
Despina Vandi is not only famous for her exceptional singing, but also her cooking skills!…