In ancient Greece, stories about gods and goddesses were important to everyday life. They explained…
Tag: Rhea
Today on International Women's Day, GCT has compiled a list of the Top 10 Ancient…
Today on International Women's Day, GCT has complied a list of the Top 10 Ancient…
Her late Pappou always said, "Χωρίς Άννα δεν Σω" (without Ana I cannot live). Living by the valuable life lessons taught to her by her beloved Pappou helped to make Ana Mavridis, of award winning Zoom Real Estate in Burwood the incredible woman that she is today and her Pappou so proud. On Mother’s Day - a day that we honour the women who have helped others to become the strong and beautiful women that they are today - we tell Ana's story.
In ancient Greece, stories about gods and goddesses were important to everyday life. They explained…