The truth is that we were impressed by the fact that the Greek government finally acted unexpectedly and without fanfare to “close” the delimitation of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) with Egypt, Michalis Ignatiou wrote on Ethnos.
Let me be honest: I liked that we were informed of [Greek Foreign Minister Nikos] Dendias’ arrival in Cairo when he was already at the Egyptian Foreign Ministry talking to his counterpart.
Greek diplomats showed seriousness because the issue was crucial. In the past, they made empty announcements but the actions did not follow. They were words of the air. Since 2008, Greece has been announcing drilling in southern Crete and elsewhere, but drilling … is being lost in the Mediterranean. This time the actions preceded the statements.
The announcement of the agreement provoked the expected reactions inside. Because we remain uncorrected. The current ones did the same to the previous ones. All politicians, all parties, judge without studying. Most are “fortune tellers” and “prophets”.
You need calm. And we must all pay attention to the response of the occupying power of Turkey. This is a violent and threatening announcement. And if you study it dear readers you will agree with me. Turkey will not sit idly by. Cancelling exploratory contacts is the least it will do. I think we will see the release of the Turkish research vessel Oruç Reis soon. Turkey will stretch the rope. It can lead to a major crisis.
This does not mean that Greece should not have reached an agreement with Egypt. Well done. It remains that we see the details of the agreement and to give our opinion seriously. And let us hope that Egypt will always remain a friendly country and that the Muslim Brotherhood, which is completely controlled by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, will never return.
We all saw the triumphant tone that the Greek government gave to the agreement.
However, I also read the first text of the agreement itself and I had many questions. I want to note that I am not an expert, but I always turn to scientists before writing my opinion on issues I do not know.
For the time being: I will keep the assurance that the agreement effectively addresses Turkey’s illegal attempt to delimit the EEZ directly with Egypt by violating the sovereign rights of the Greek islands in sea zones.
And I will also keep in mind that the current demarcation is partial, that is, it is part of an overall subsequent demarcation between the two countries.
The latter worries me even though I understand the reason. The illegal memorandum of Turkey with the Tripoli regime in Libya had to be confronted at all costs. And Ankara’s agreement with Cairo had to be avoided. Strange as it may sound, the occupying power flirted with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, who is hated by Erdoğan. But the Turks, in front of serving their interests, also betray … Allah!
However, islands such as Crete and Rhodes should be protected, let alone Kastelorizo and Strongyli. And I hope that the agreement with Egypt, because above all it respects international law and the United Nations Charter Law of the Sea, will completely cover our islands… This is not the time to play with national sovereignty.
The Greek government maintains that the agreement is fully in line with the Law of the Sea as it has been applied in practice and case law. It is solemnly confirmed, Greece’s firm position that the islands have sovereign rights of continental shelf and EEZ. The influence of Greek islands in maritime zones is secured, according to the information of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I wish…
I talked to important teachers. They agree that Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis must find the courage and proceed to delimit the EEZ of Greece and the Republic of Cyprus. He now has an obligation to do so. He showed in Evros and recently in Kastelorizo that he is not afraid.
The phobic syndrome of Greek politicians towards Turkey must be eliminated once and for all. And this will happen with the demarcation of the EEZ of Greece and Cyprus.