Hellenic Navy Signs Heavyweight Torpedo Deal With Atlas Elektronik

SeaHake hellenic

Following a long procurement process, the Hellenic Navy (Πολεμικό Ναυτικό) signed an important deal with German company Atlas Elektronik for heavyweight torpedoes.

The deal covers the procurement of new SeaHake mod 4 torpedoes, the upgrade of existing torpedoes and the delivery of spare torpedo batteries.

The information was first reported by local defense media Ptisidiastima. The deal, valued at 105 million Euros, includes the following:

  • Procurement of 36 new DM2A4 Seehecht (also known as SeaHake Mod 4) heavyweight torpedoes,
  • Refurbishment and upgrade of a existing of SUT Mod0 torpedoes to the SUT Mod4 variant,
  • Delivery of a “large number” of torpedo batteries.

The Hellenic Navy had a requirement to equip its fleet of four Papanikolis-class Type 214 and the single Okeanos Type 209/1500 submarines with new torpedoes.

The need was for 36x 21-inch (533 mm) heavyweight torpedoes to replace the ageing SUT Mod0 and SST-4. Competitors to the German company likely included Naval Group of France and Leonardo of Italy.

Contacted by Naval News, Atlas Elektronik did not reply to their request for confirmation and comment.

The Hellenic Navy is currently involved with an ambitious and wide ranging modernization plan. The plan, approved by the Greek parliament in May this year, consists in:

  • The acquisition of four MH-60R maritime helicopters.
  • The upgrade of 3 existing S-70B helicopters.
  • The procurement of 36 heavyweight torpedoes.
  • The Mid-Life Update (MLU) the four MEKO 200HN frigates.
  • The Update of the four Type 214 submarine (with UGM-84 Sub-Harpoon missiles and torpedo decoys from Leonardo).
  • The plan is also set to include the procurement of 2 (+2 options) new generation frigates and possibly two additional Super Vita type FACM.

Regarding the new generation frigates, France and Greece were involved in exclusive negotiations for a while, for FDI type frigates. However, despite the signing of an LOI, it appears now that the procurement will go through an open tender process.

Local sources say that the likely shipbuilders to take part in the tender are:

  • Lockheed Martin with the MMSC.
  • Naval Group with the FDI,
  • TKMS with the MEKO A200.
  • Damen with an unspecified design.
  • Babcock with the Type 31

While this may officially be an open tender, rumor has it that, but based on the requirements and tender parameters, the MMSC design will likely win.

This is partly due to the US involvement with local Greek shipyards.

Further down the road, the Hellenic Navy may procure the Themistocles Corvette and/or the European Patrol Corvette.

According to Atlas Elektronik, the SeaHake mod4 is the dual-purpose and fibre-optic wire-guided heavy-weight torpedo that fully meets the operational requirements of modern Navies, including the Hellenic one. It is specifically designed to meet the confined shallow and blue water environments of today‘s and future naval scenarios.

SeaHake hellenic
SeaHake mod4 torpedo.

The propulsion of SeaHake mod4 features the unique modular battery system and an electric motor with very low self noise. It provides high speed and long range combined with exceptional stealth characteristics.

The digital sonar system features the unrivalled conformal array and is able to master complex scenarios. It manages multiple targets while identifying and suppressing any kind of jammers and decoys.

SeaHake Mod 4 is a 6.22 m long torpedo, weighing 1,530 kg and with a standard NATO diameter of 533 mm that will be a huge benefit to the Hellenic Navy. It can reach speeds in excess of 50 knots and a range in excess of 27 nautical miles.


GCT Team

This article was researched and written by a GCT team member.