The Kremlin said that Russian President Vladimir Putin told his Azeri counterpart, Ilham Aliyev, on Saturday to take care of Christian shrines in parts of Artsakh that Azerbaijan is taking control over from Armenian administration.
Russia mediated a ceasefire on Tuesday that secured territorial expansionism for Azerbaijan at the expense of indigenous Armenians.
Putin told Aliyev that there were Christian churches and monasteries in areas that will go under Azerbaijani control.
The Kremlin declared that "In this respect, he (Putin) underscored the importance of securing safety and normal church life of these shrines."
According to the Kremlin, Aliyev said that this is how Azerbaijan will act.
However, despite this discussion, an Islamist in Artsakh climbed on a church shouting "Allah hu Akbar" (Allah is Great) and other Islamist slogans, which are repeated by fellow Islamists in the video.
It is clear how much Azerbaijan will respect Christian monuments.