Cyprus to treat baby suffering from SMA after Turkey & occupied N. Cyprus fail to provide treatment

Asya Polatlı

Although sometimes it is easy to forget, but the people of northern Cyprus, with the exception of the settlers from Turkey after 1974, are still citizens of the Republic of Cyprus despite living an occupied zone.

The Secretary General of the Cyprus Turkey Teachers’ Union (KTÖS), Şener Elcil, applied to Republic of Cyprus authorities, the only internationally recognised authority on the island, two weeks ago so Asya Polatlı could receive treatment, reported Bugün Kıbrıs.

Asya Polatlı is unable to walk or eat and breath without assistance due to genetic damage to her spinal cord.

Asya Polatlı

The 8-month old toddler suffers from Type 1 SMA, or spinal muscular atrophy, a rare neuromuscular disease that severely debilitates the body.

She was diagnosed with Type 1 SMA when she was two months old.

Cypriot authorities contacted the family on Wednesday night and stated that initiatives are progressing to give the young child the necessary treatment she needs.

Although Asya Polatlı was granted Turkish citizenship at the end of a long struggle, Turkish authorities have not bothered to yet give her the necessary treatment.

Asya Polatlı Cyprus

The de facto Minister of Health of occupied northern Cyprus, Ünal Üstel, ignored the issue for weeks, according to Bugün Kıbrıs.

Asya’s parents, father Ozan and his wife Güler Polatlı, have also raised money so she can be treated, but ultimately needed the Cypriot state so the baby can finally receive treatment.

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