Labor Offers a Better Future for All Australians

Anthony Albanese Australians Labor Party Federal election

When the cost of the necessities of life, like food and clothing, grows faster than pay packets of Australians, there is something wrong with our nation.

Australians work hard. We look after each other, a feature of our national character that has come to the fore during the Covid pandemic.

On Saturday, Australians will have a chance to vote for something better.

The choice is between a tired Coalition Government that is out of puff and out of ideas, or a Labor Government with a clear plan for a better future for our nation.

Labor’s plan is about a stronger economy, more jobs, greater security of work and higher wages so Australian families can get ahead.

We’ll tackle Mr Morrison’s the cost-of-living crisis by cutting childcare and electricity costs and boosting economic productivity, allowing employers to maintain profits while also giving their employees pay rises.

We will end the climate wars and seize the great job creation opportunities that will come with greater use of renewable energy.

Renewable energy is not only clean; it is also cheap. Using cheaper energy, Australia can be a nation that makes things again. We can revitalise Australian manufacturing, creating thousands of new jobs across the nation and giving birth to new export industries that will make Australia a renewable energy superpower.

Labor’s Powering the Nation Plan, fully modelled by RepuTex and endorsed by the Business Council of Australia, the National Farmers Federation and a range of other business and industry organisations, will cut household power bills by $295 a year by 2025 and create 605,000 new jobs, five out of six will be in regional Australia.

Labor plans are sensible and affordable.

We aren’t proposing a revolution. But we are proposing renewal using the power of government to make our great nation even better.

Across health, education, training and the full range of government activities, Labor’s plan is aimed at improving life of Australians and making it easier for families to get ahead.

Our approach is simple: No-one held back and no-one left behind.

After a decade of needless division under the Coalition, Australians have conflict fatigue. They are tired of politicians who don’t step up to their responsibilities and pick arguments rather than seek outcomes.

We’ll work with other levels of government, business, unions and other interest groups to explore on areas of shared interest like economic growth and job creation, creating a partnership in progress to advance the national interest.

Australians have been magnificent during the Covid pandemic. We have endured hardship and adversity together, looking after each other and caring for our community.

As we move away from the pandemic, we have a fantastic opportunity to build back stronger and to create a better future for ourselves and future generations.

Labor stands ready to lead that journey.

The choice on Saturday is simple.

A Labor Government I lead will always seek to unite, not divide.

It’s a choice between progress and inertia; between ambition and timidity.

It’s a choice between more of the same or a better future for all Australians.

Anthony Albanese Australians Labor Party Federal election

Anthony Albanese Australians Labor Party Federal election

The Hon. Anthony Albanese MP is the Leader of the Australian Labor Party and Federal Member for Grayndler.


Instagram: @albomp

Facebook: Anthony Albanese

Twitter: @AlboMP

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