Turkey sends drill ship “Abdul Hamid Khan” to E. Mediterranean earlier than officially announced

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The Hellenic Armed Forces are on alert and are monitoring the movements of the Turkish vessel.

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The Turkish research vessel Abdul Hamid Khan, Turkey’s fourth drilling ship, left the port of Tasuku, Turkey and is heading southwest, according to the Marine Traffic website.

As Agence France-Presse reported, “the Turkish drilling rig Abdul Hamid Khan would begin a mission in the Mediterranean on August 9, departing from the port of Mersina” in the country’s south.

After the mobility observed today, there are two prevailing scenarios: either the “Abdul Hamid Khan” left the port but not for the official mission, or Turkey decided to start the research mission in the Eastern Mediterranean earlier.

However, according to ERT, the news about the exit of the Turkish research vessel from the port is confirmed by the Hellenic Navy General Staff, and the Hellenic Armed Forces are on the alert, monitoring its course.