A video showing an elderly woman in Thessaloniki assaulting a dog with her walking stick has caused uproar amongst animal lovers, leading to a complained lodged against her.
A case was filed against the 75-year-old woman on Thursday under the violation of animal welfare legislation.
The incident reportedly occurred last Sunday in the village of Chrisavgi, near Lagadas, Thessaloniki, in northern Greece.
According to a complaint filed, the woman approached a stray dog that was on the sidewalk, threw her cane at it and hit it, before chasing the dog away.
Speaking to protothema.gr, the mayor of Lagadas, Yiannis Tahmatzidis, clarified:
“We are sorry for any incident of inappropriate behavior towards animals”, while the responsible deputy mayor, Michalis Tzanis, emphasized that “we are opposed to any kind of such behavior of citizens towards strays. The old lady could have notified us or made a complaint if the dog was bothering her and not act in this way.”