Greek Elections - Mitsotakis after majority of vote count: Rolling up our sleeves to implement reforms faster

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Greece is facing a new historic chapter, and New Democracy has been given a strong mandate to proceed with major reforms faster, New Democracy leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis said on Sunday evening, with the majority of votes counted in the second round of national elections (88.46%).

Shortly after 9:00 pm, Mitsotakis said, "Today we will briefly enjoy our victory but as of tomorrow, we are rolling our sleeves up and getting to work," he said in a brief message at party headquarters.

With nearly 90% of the votes counted, New Democracy will form a stand-alone government for a second term with 158 seats in a 300-seat Parliament and 40.51% of the votes, followed by SYRIZA with 47 (17.84%) and PASOK-KINAL with 32 seats (11.97%).

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