Greek Australians Celebrate Easter with Unwavering Faith and Cultural Traditions

As the clock struck midnight, the historic Holy Resurrection Church in Kogarah Sydney transformed into a beacon of faith. Driven by an unyielding devotion, tens of thousands of Greek Orthodox Christians converged on the hallowed grounds to witness the Resurrection service.

The air crackled with anticipation as Archbishop Makarios of Australia, donning resplendent vestments, emerged from the sanctuary. With a triumphant voice, he led the congregation in chanting the iconic words, "Christ is risen!"

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, along with other dignitaries including Dimitrios Kouvelas, member of the Hellenic Parliament, Stavros Venizelos, Ambassador of Greece to Australia, with his wife, and Ioannis Malikourtis, Consul General of Greece in Sydney, with his wife, as well as Linda Burney, Federal Minister for Indigenous Australians. Also in attendance were Steve Kamper, Minister for Small Business, Property and Multiculturalism of New South Wales; David Coleman, Federal Member of Parliament and former Minister, Mark Cure; State Member of Parliament and former Minister for Multiculturalism, Sam Elmir; Mayor of Georges River, and others.

Dimitrios Kouvelas, member of the Hellenic Parliament, Stavros Venizelos, Ambassador of Greece to Australia, with his wife, and Ioannis Malikourtis, Consul General of Greece in Sydney, with his wife

Custom and Tradition Abound

As the service reached its climax, thousands of ecstatic worshippers streamed out of the church, carrying lit candles that symbolized the Resurrected Christ.

The festive spirit extended throughout the suburbs. Homes will be bursting with the tantalizing aromas of roasting lamb and other delicacies, promising a grand celebration as the Eastern Orthodox People celebrate today.

Images Copyright Nick Bourdaniotis / Greek City Times

Melbourne's Spirited Celebrations

In Melbourne, thousands of Greek Australians also flocked to Orthodox churches to participate in the Anastasi service. Amidst the jubilant chants, the Holy Light was shared with reverence.

A Time for Reflection and Gratitude

In his homily, Archbishop Makarios underscored the transformative power of faith. "The one who believes in the Resurrection of Christ," he declared, "no longer fears death."

Emphasizing the importance of compassion and unity, he urged the congregation to "love one another urgently" and reject bitterness.

Government Support for Greek Heritage

Prime Minister Albanese praised the vibrant Greek Orthodox tradition and acknowledged the community's profound contributions to Australia. He hailed the Greek culture as a "gift" that has enriched the nation.

Albanese also highlighted the Church's unwavering support for society, fostering a spirit of love and philanthropy.

As the Easter festivities continue, Greek Australians will find solace and joy in the sacred and secular traditions that bind them together in unity and faith.

The most popular Greek traditions of Easter and what they symbolise

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