Greek Prisoners Threaten Hunger Strike Over Harsh Conditions, Reduced Rights


Prisoners across Greece are on the brink of a nationwide hunger strike protesting worsening conditions and a loss of rights under new penal codes.

In a letter to the Ministry of Citizen Protection, inmates outlined their grievances:

  • Reduced Rights: Prisoners claim the new Penal Code restricts their rights unfairly.
  • Harsh Conditions: They describe a "grim reality" within Greek prisons.
  • Reintegration Challenges: The new code's limitations on leave and conditional release hinder reintegration into society.
  • Unresponsive Authorities: They allege a lack of response from the government to previous complaints.

The letter warns of an escalating hunger strike if their demands for "peaceful dialogue" are not met. Prisoners criticise the government's reactive approach to legislation, where changes are made based on sensationalised news stories rather than long-term planning.

Specifically, they cite difficulties created by:

  • Limited Leave Opportunities: The new code restricts access to leave until shortly before conditional release eligibility. This disrupts reintegration efforts and unfairly impacts those who previously enjoyed leave under the old system.
  • Obstacles to Conditional Release: New rules make it harder to obtain conditional release, further hindering resocialisation efforts.
  • Delays in Review: Prisoners express frustration with the "unjustified delay" of their applications for conditional release by the Council of First Instance.

The situation threatens to erupt into a nationwide hunger strike unless authorities address the prisoners' concerns and engage in constructive dialogue.

(Source: Efsyn)