A historic trireme has docked in Katakolo, embarking on its journey to Messinia for an exciting new Hollywood adventure. Renowned director Christopher Nolan is set to begin filming his much-anticipated epic, “Odyssey,” right here in Greece. This blockbuster, with a staggering budget of $250 million, will commence production in the stunning locales of the Peloponnese, starting with the charming town of Pylos.
A remarkable wooden replica of an ancient trireme, dating back 200 years and spanning 37 meters, has already made the voyage from Norway to the port of Katakolo. This intricately crafted vessel will soon sail to Pylos, where pivotal sea scenes will be captured.
Nolan’s latest project boasts a star-studded cast featuring some of Hollywood’s finest talents, including Matt Damon, Tom Holland, Anne Hathaway, Zendaya, Robert Pattinson, and Charlize Theron.
Filming will span across multiple locations, taking place in the United Kingdom, Morocco, and the Aeolian Islands of Sicily, with a particular focus on Favignana, a site speculated to have been visited by the legendary Odysseus and his crew.
Mark your calendars for the film’s theatrical release on July 17, 2026. As revealed in the GCT report, one of the movie’s most breathtaking sequences, featuring the infamous Cyclops Polyphemus, will be shot in the storied Nestor’s cave in Voidokilia.
It’s not a trireme. Moreover, triremes were not invented for many centuries after the events in the Odyssey. At best, it might be classified as a penteconter.