Archaeologists Celebrate Rare Find of Tiny 1,700-Year-Old Hercules Statue in Florence, Italy

ercolino montaione dettaglio

Archaeologists are thrilled to announce a remarkable discovery from this past summer’s excavations: a petite, ancient Greco-Roman statue of Hercules, the Greek demigod, unearthed in Montaione, a charming town in the province of Florence, Italy. Standing just 1.64 feet (50 centimeters) tall, this marble marvel, though small in size, has proven that greatness isn’t measured in stature.

After careful study, experts have dated the statue to 1,700 years ago, making it a truly exceptional treasure.

Ancient Greco-Roman statue of Hercules, the Greek demigod

This miniature Hercules, found in three fragments and missing its head, still packs a punch with its detailed craftsmanship. The statue shows the hero wielding his iconic club and draped in a lion’s skin—symbols of his legendary strength. What’s even more intriguing is the bull’s head at his feet, a rare depiction of Hercules’ seventh labor, the capture of the Cretan bull. This uncommon feature sets the statue apart as a unique glimpse into ancient artistry.

“It’s a discovery that excites us and reminds us how archaeology constantly surprises us with new objects and insights,” said Antonella Ranaldi, Superintendent of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape for the Metropolitan City of Florence. “The statuette is nearly complete, made of three fitting pieces, and the bull at Hercules’ feet is an unusual and fascinating detail.”

Dubbed the “Hercules of Valdelsa,” this little wonder will take center stage at tourismA – Salone dell’Archeologia e Turismo Culturale, a cultural and tourism event kicking off today, February 21st, and running through February 23rd in Florence. After restoration to ensure its preservation, the statue will be showcased temporarily at the University of Florence before finding a permanent home at the Civic Museum of Montaione.

The Montaione excavations, ongoing since 2012, have been a collaborative effort between the Valdelsa Fiorentina Cultural Association, the University of Florence’s SAGAS Department, and students from a summer school program, including international participants from the Irlab Institute. Their work has uncovered a wealth of treasures, from ceramic artifacts to a marble-decorated thermal bath annex, intricate mosaics, and now this rare Hercules statue. The finds continue to paint a vivid picture of life in ancient times, and the team is eager to share their latest triumph with the world.

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