Greece: A Timeless Gem in the Mediterranean

While Greece may not have clinched the top spot in this year's reader poll for the world's most beautiful country, it secured a strong 9th place, proving that its allure remains as potent as ever.

Readers continue to be captivated by Greece's unique charm:

"Everything!" This simple yet powerful statement, passionately exclaimed by a reader, encapsulates the essence of Greece's appeal.

From its iconic islands to its ancient ruins, Greece offers a multifaceted experience:

  • Island Dreamscapes: Picturesque villages with white-washed houses and blue-domed churches perched atop rugged cliffs overlooking the azure Aegean Sea – Greece's islands are the stuff of travel dreams.
  • A Journey Through Time: Greece's ancient ruins and historical monuments offer a captivating glimpse into the cradle of Western civilization, adding a layer of depth and intrigue to its beauty.
  • Gastronomic Delights: The allure of Greece extends beyond its scenery to its delectable cuisine. Readers rave about the "wonderful locally-produced food", a testament to Greece's culinary prowess.

Insider Tip:

To truly immerse yourself in the authentic Greek experience, consider staying at locally-owned accommodations like Thessaloniki’s Blue Bottle Boutique Hotel and delve into the local culture with the help of insightful travel guides.

Ready to craft your unforgettable Greek adventure?

Explore Rough Guides' range of tailor-made itineraries and discover the magic of Greece! From island hopping to exploring ancient ruins, there's an experience waiting to be discovered.

A Picture Worth a Thousand Words:

The article features the image of Greece's breathtaking "Shipwreck Bay, Zakynthos," which serves as a visual reminder of the country's captivating beauty, leaving travelers yearning to experience it firsthand.

Here's the complete list of the top 20 most beautiful countries in the world according to Rough Guide readers:

  1. New Zealand
  2. Italy
  3. Canada
  4. Switzerland
  5. France
  6. United Kingdom
  7. Norway
  8. Australia
  9. Greece
  10. South Africa
  11. USA
  12. Chile
  13. Iceland
  14. Argentina
  15. Croatia
  16. India
  17. Indonesia
  18. Portugal
  19. Slovenia
  20. Japan
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